Sunday, July 31, 2005

as a planet flooded with salty water,
a world is flooded with a bitter poverty,

and a human - with an endless doubt...

Saturday, July 30, 2005

art doesn't inform, art - form!
art isn't an information,
art is a creation!

Saturday, July 23, 2005

in Moscow we have to erect one more monument -
to unknown Poet!

Now we do have just a treatable rash of civilizations,
it could become untreatable "clash of civilizations",
that could lead us - to a crash of civilizations,
and finally - to an ash of civilizations...

Life - pro-life & death - pro-choice...
God or devil give you voice?

HisStory of Man-kind vs. HerStory of Woman-kind

Bill Gates' "friction free capitalism"
could give us - freedom free capitalism.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

4geek: laptopless - dance!..

Monday, July 18, 2005

use or loose - your daily Muse...

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

in the world without us
could the idea of beauty - survive?


crawl, crawl - I'll meet you all
at the end of the endless wall...

tenderness of the flower
will not stop a bullet,
but tenderness of the flower
could stop a killer...

tenderness of a god
will not save your life,
but tenderness of a god
could give you a life

Sunday, July 10, 2005

the blind man I helped to cross the road
asked me to help him to get to the store.
after that - he asked me to help him to shop.
after that - he asked me to help him to get to his house.
after that - he asked me to help him... to use a bathroom.
after that...

stop, a blind man!
you are not a baby, I have no breast to feed you...

better kill yourself - with your blind blade!

this concrete, giant wall in front of you -
just a next step.

in peaceful time a death is worthless -
as money on the moon.

light is very slow.
thought is very slow...

what is really fast - time,
shaving blade of time!

Animals and small kids have no idea of time.
they don't know they do live,
they don't know they will die.

it's why - we love so much our dogs and children:
we do need somebody who has no idea of time,
who has no idea of death,
who has no idea of the end of everything.

and we are happier - just being next
to the flame of eternity...


crowd at the end of the day in subway train:
asians, blacks, worn-out whites -
half sleeping, reading, softly speaking...
none of them - horny!
only long rocking body of a night train,
with happy sound of hidden pleasure, -
approaching 42-nd Street...

Monday, July 04, 2005


A huge windy flag of a dark sky..

I proud of you - old glory!

life is omnipresent...

earth - is just an atom in an ocean of life!..

a death doesn't destroy a life,
death just limit it.
as a dam - blocking a river's water:
to produce an energy -
to support a life...

all things are waiting
until we return
to their innocent,spelled world.

at night - a moon reflects a sun.

at day - a sun reflects a god...

will make us happy -
but something
that live in an everything
and cost -

step by step - life by life...

To the poet: make it naked!

In new York even a clouds - a sprayed graffiti..

Hedgehog in a pod - Manhattan..

Universe is a bag full of miracles, life - is just one on them...